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This is basically just more about me.

I have gotten to a point in my life where I have accepted that writing serves as a pivotal component in my life. It is without a doubt my preferred medium of expression.  


On multiple occasions, I have gone on a journey of self-exploration and attempted to ask the question of what it is that motivates me to write. This is about more than just completeing an assignment for a class, it is a way of life. As part of the Minor in Writing Gateway class, we were tasked with drafting an essay that explains our personal connection to writing. 


When drafting the essay for the gateway, I needed to reassess my motivations only three months after writing a similar essay for a previous English class (click here for that draft). The English 325 version of this paper discussed how a childhood speech impediment drove me to write. 


Attempting to find a new and original way to answer the question of why I write proved to be difficult. It was a process that required careful consideration, and it allowed me to see the overlapping factors present between the two conceptions presented in the different pieces. A few things became clear after completing the draft for the the gateway:

  1. I seem to like lists. 

  2. It all goes back to Mr. G and the confusing experience of being forced to read Vonnegut at a young age. 

  3. Number 2 is a lie; I occasionally will lie in my lists.

  4. Vonnegut has helped to shape my view of myself as a writer, capturing the "amber of the moment." 


I know for a fact that I will return to this question again. I believe that on occasion, this kind of introspection allows for new insights into how a writer can grow both on the page, and out in the real world. 



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